Leave the Mindless to the Machines

Automate Everything!

Automat is an external engine for empowering your business logic with custom user interfaces, dashboards, and document generation.

Simplify your workflows and processes, and leverage data to your company's advantage!

Key Features

Separate UI and ERP Logic:

Simplify your workflows with custom user interfaces for your employees. Reduce training time and user error

Multiple-source support:

Reach beyond your ERP by integrating custom hardware, web APIs, and external systems, all at the same time

Service-oriented logic:

Automat splits logic into different services, letting the whole process stay stable while each element stays effective

Document Creation:

Build documents from internal events and external sources, and write back to system-native sales orders, activities, etc

Data Retrieval:

Get the data you need from a smart central source, with no need to continually manage separate credentials

Mail support:

Build custom email templates based on complex business logic. Send reports, get invoices, all based on your custom logic

Example Use Cases

Document Generation:

Automate complex business logic outside of your ERP software! Automatically write documents, save reports and PDFs, and send emails in response to any number of triggers. Free your staff from some of the most time-intensive tasks

Workflow Replacement:

Save on training and security by keeping your non-technical staff out of your ERP software! Access is limited by a custom interface, restricted to the documents and data that each employee requires. Create sets of complex document chains with simple forms, all from the same UI

Administrative dashboard:

Extend beyond Crystal Reports and built-in dashboards with fully-custom live dashboards! With hundreds of graph types and data views, manage your business with the info you need most right now, automatically updated in real-time

A smattering of the software we work with:

SQL Server
Crystal Reports
Microsoft Excel
Automat is supported by Tiger Sheep LLC.